Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (2024)

London is a huge melting pot of different cultures, traditions and languages - but how well do you know its various sayings, slang and phrases?

If you're from abroad or up North (that's anywhere beyond Watford) you might find yourself baffled by the city's diverse lexicon.

co*ckney rhyming slang, roadman slang, strange sounding areas and weird names for buildings - there's a lot to get your head around.

Our (not entirely serious or official) A to Z dictionary of London words will help you answer all your burning questions: Who's your 'fam'? Who has 'the knowledge'? Where on earth is the Isle of Dogs? And why should I be afraid of Inspector Sands?

If you're a true Londoner reading this and think we've missed out a word or two, let us know in the comments below.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (1)

Adam and Eve

Would you Adam and Eve it? A whole A to Z of London words? Yes, we can't believe we took on this challenge either. Adam and Eve you see is (apart from being that famous pair from the Bible) co*ckney rhyming slang for believe. Born out of the old East End, the sadly disappearing language replaces actual words with rhyming words or phrases. More to follow...

Allow it

Pronounced without the 'a' this means permit it, stop, let it be - saying "allow it" would be asking someone to leave off. It's part of what can be known as 'roadman' slang - street language influenced by London's various immigrant communities, particularly the Carribbean.


"Oh Ben, he lives in Angel" - you what? No your new friend Ben hasn't ascended to heaven, he's just lucky enough to live in Zone 1. Just between Old Street and King's Cross on the Northern Line, this is just one of the more fantastically named places on the tube (see below).

It's on Upper Street, a good place to head for a night out. The name actually originates from an old inn. You'll also spot the area on the monopoly board.

Other bizarre tube name faves include Theydon Bois, Elephant and Castle, Oval, Burnt Oak, Gallions Reach and East India.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (2)


Very - as in, "This is bare fun." Often makes little grammatical sense.


Essentially meaning friend, brother, mate - you'll probably hear these two words thrown around a lot in conversation. Depending on the situation they can be used in a friendly or more aggressive way.

Boris Bike

Also once known as Barclays Bikes and now Santander Cycles - this is the more common name of London's cycle hire scheme. Back before he started banging on about Brexit, politician Boris Johnson was Mayor of London when the scheme launched in 2010. Since then Chinese companies Ofo and Mobike have also muscled in on the bike hire scene.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (3)


"Alright me old China?" is a old greeting you might not hear too much these days. But this is co*ckney rhyming slang again: China plate = mate.

City (the)

London is a city. But the City is in the city. Clear? So there is the large city of London, but the City of London is much smaller. Oh dear.

The City of London is the financial district and historic centre of London. Technically it's not a borough run by a local authority. Instead it is run by the City of London Corporation.

Also known as the Square Mile, the capitalisation of the word City differentiates the area from the wider city of London.


The relentless gentrification of London has even taken its toll on place names. The posh and wealthy of Clapham have upgraded their neighbourhood to the classier sounding Clarm. See also Barm (Balham).


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (4)


i.e. great, excellent, awesome, cool. This word was apparently first coined by Walthamstow rapper Lethal Bizzle while playing a football video game. Its spread on social media saw it become used for a clothing line before even making it into the dictionary. That's dench.

Nothing to do with Dame Judi.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (5)

East End

You've probably watched EastEnders (the TV soap about miserable Londoners), but what is the East End? Where is the East End?

Tricky one this, but it's the home of working-class London co*ckney culture.

Pearly kings and queens, 'colourful' characters like the Kray twins, jellied eels and rhyming slang are what many associate with the area today.

It is said that you can call yourself a co*ckney if you were born within earshot of the Bow Bells of St. Mary-le-Bow on Cheapside in the centre of London.


You may not be from the East End, but you still have an 'endz' - your neighbourhood. Remember: Londoners are very proud of their areas so careful what you say!



Your fam are your people - your friends and family. Simple.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (6)


Used to refer to a man, a bloke. A geezer can be used in both a positive and negative sense, depending on the context.

Going out out

Your mates are down the pub having a couple of drinks, you head off to join them - you're going out.

Five pints, four jaegerbombs and three bars later you're on the way to a club - you're going out out.

Basically when you're really hitting the town and plan not to wake up before lunch the next day.

Gherkin (The)

We like to give our tall buildings silly nicknames in London. The Gherkin (otherwise known as 30 St Mary Axe) kicked off the trend. The pickled cucumber shaped building is near Liverpool Street.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (7)




An unstoppable global tribe bringing flat whites and artisan bakeries to a street near you.

If you start seeing a lot more beards locally, it's already too late.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (8)

Inspector Sands

Inspector Sands is not a real inspector, he's not even a real person. The name is a code phrase used by announcers on the tube to let staff know there's a fire alert. The mysterious name helps staff put in place safety checks and procedures without causing panic.

So if you hear "would Inspector Sands, please report to the operations room immediately" don't panic, just follow staff instructions and you'll stay safe.

Get WhatsApp news alerts to your phone

Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (9)

We've set up a new WhatsApp group so you can receive the latest London headlines straight to your phone.

To receive one message a day with the main headlines, as well as breaking news alerts, send one of the following to 07900 342671 on WhatsApp, depending on where you want to receive news from:


Then add the number to your phone contacts book as 'MyLondon'. You must do this or you will not receive the messages.

You will receive one message a day. You can reply with the word STOP at any time.

Your phone number won't be shared with other members of the group.

Isle of Dogs

Sadly there is not a magical island of puppies in the middle of London, instead it's the bulbous bit of London on the river opposite Greenwich.

Bound by the Thames on three side the area includes the city's redeveloped old docklands area, include the high-rise towers of Canary Wharf.

The names origins appear a bit murky, with some saying its a corruption of the isle of ducks or dykes as the area was marshland. Others speculate it was because it was where a former King's hunting dogs were kennelled.


The versatile 'innit' (a shortening of isn't it/ain't it/aren't we/aren't they etc.) can be used in a question, a statement, for agreeing, and to refer to individuals or groups. In fact you can stick it on the end of any sentence and it kind of works. Innit.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (10)


Meaning funny or enjoyable. For example, I read this crazy article about London slang, it was bare jokes bruv. Often used ironically.

Jellied Eel

Yes people actually eat this. Eels that are, erm, jellified.

A cold dish commonly associated with the East End but increasingly hard to find in the city anymore.

Cheap and easy, it involves boiling eels in herbs and letting in set in its own gelatin.

Things to do in Central London

  • Sunday markets not to be missed
  • Best bottomless brunches
  • Secret parks and gardens in central
  • Must-visit art galleries


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (15)

Knowledge (The)

Fancy being a London black cab driver? Well my friend you're going to need a bit more than a driving licence.

All black cab drivers must pass THE KNOWLEDGE.

Taking on average three to four years, it means memorising thousands of London streets and passing an exam before you can join the famous taxi service.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (16)


Quite simply the greatest city in the world. Pronounced Laaaandon.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (17)


Another word out of the roadman dictionary. Your mandem are your males friends. Think 'lads', but less 90s.

Mind the gap

A warning you might read or hear while on the tube. The gaps between platforms and tube trains can be a bit perilous, so watch your step!


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (18)

North London

Pronounced 'norf London'. Essentially anywhere north of the River Thames. North Londoners view South London as another land.

Night tube

A miracle too, too long in the making. London got its night underground service (still only weekends) in August 2016, transforming the city's nightlife and night-time economy.

Night bus

Not so much a saying, but an experience. Tell a Londoner you had to catch the night bus home and they will understand what you have gone through.

A special, mad world of drunks, fast-food munchers, weirdos, comatose ravers and boisterous singers.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (19)


Not the slippery, cold shellfish, but your pass to the London's transport system.

The Oyster card electronic ticket - which can be topped up with travelcards and pay as you go cash - launched in 2003.

Cards are simply touched at entrance and exit gates at stations and can be used on buses too.

So go explore. London is your oyster!


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (20)


A co*ckney rhyming slang term used for money. A 'pony' is £25. A 'score' is £20.

Beyond this, a 'bullseye' is £50, a 'ton' is £100, a 'monkey' is £500 and a 'grand' is £1,000.

And 'sausage and mash'? That's cash.


Used to describe anything in a negative sense: "I just missed my bus by one minute. So peak."


Can be used when praising a thing, but more often than not its used to describe someone who is fit, good-looking, beautiful: "Bruv, dat girl is peng."

Pop up

Londoners love a good pop-up. Temporary shops, restaurants, bars etc. Weird locations and products are warmly welcomed by young professionals seeking the lastest experience. Imagine a weekend-only baked beans and co*cktails bar on a rooftop - that kind of vibe.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (21)

Queen Elizabeth II

For our American readers: Yes, she lives in London. No, we haven't met her.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (22)


A lifestyle/culture/identity from which much of this article's slang is born. Pinning down what it is to be a roadman is tricky.

Most people would associate it with groups of young teenagers from poorer, minority backgrounds gathering in their local areas.

Grime music, riding bikes, black clothing, peak caps and hoods and of course slang are part of the lifestyle.

Sadly, its a culture also associated with gangs, drugs and violence. But some popular grime music artists like Stormzy are breaking down some of the preconceptions.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (23)

South London

Pronounced 'sarf London'. Essentially anywhere south of the River Thames. South Londoners view North London as another land.

Square Mile

See 'The City of London' above. This is the nickname for the capital's financial district.


Part of central London's entertainment district in central London. Packed with restaurants, clubs and bars. It has a rich history of art, music, counter-culture and the sex industry. It's undergone a lot of gentrification but it still one of the most exciting places in London.

Shard (The)

Hard to miss, this is the tallest building in London by some way. Rising out of London Bridge you can see it from miles away across the city. Cracking views from the top.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (24)


The arteries of London, keeping everything and everyone connected. Strikes, delays, where to live, where to go out - there's a lot to say about it. Just to bring it up with a stranger while on the tube itself. We don't talk there see. Ever.


Gaggles of people blocking your way. Muttered by Londoners in combination with an exasperated sigh.


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (25)


Controversial, but now ubiquitous. The taxi-hailing smartphone app has transformed getting around the city. You'll often hear people say: "Let's just Uber it."


Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (26)


This is an amazing example of London's ever changing languages and slang. Vex is actually a 14th century old French word meaning 'to harrass or annoy', but has been reclaimed today in modern street slang to mean you're angry.



You don't want to be called a wasteman. A wasteman is an idiot, a fool.

Walkie Talkie

Another humorously titled tall London building. The odd-shaped walkie-talkie tower is in the City. The Sky Garden bar at the top is free to enter for stunning views.

Join the Mind The Gap group

Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (27)

We've created a Facebook group for people who travel on London's bus, rail, Underground, Overground and DLR services.

We will keep you informed about the latest news that affects your daily commute to work, as well as at the weekend.

We'll also let you know in advance if there are any roadworks, railworks or closures you should know about, or if there are any problems on the city's tube network.

Join the group here.

West End

The broad description of the central part of London west of the City and north of the river. It compasses many of central London's theatres, museums and cultural attractions. Some people might say they are going out in the West End.



If something's extra is a pain, a burden, an annoyance. Like when your teacher gives you a history essay homework on a Friday just before school ends. "Aw miss, that's so extra!"



Supposedly originating in Victoria times, backslang was devised by London market traders as a way of turning round words so they could have secret conversations in front of customers. So 'boy' became 'yob' - a word still used today.



London's transport fare zones can be also be seen as markers of class, wealth, identity and distance. In a crude sense Zone 1 is the expensive centre, with property prices diminishing as you head further out. They run from 1 to 9, but if you ever find yourself in Zone 9, you're in Watford.

Words and sayings you only know if you're a true Londoner (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.