Double Swing Twisters Barbarian Endgame Guide - D4 (2024)

Diablo 4

Build Guides

Double Swing Twisters Barbarian Endgame Guide

Last Updated: May 23rd 2024

Season 4 - LootA-Tier

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The Double Swing Barbarian is a hard-hitting, fast-paced melee build that excels at all content the game has to offer. Its small hit zone may seem underwhelming at first... but once the attack speed buffs start stacking and the Twisters start swirling, Double Swing quickly becomes a deadly force - laying waste to screens of enemies with its hit-and-run style of play, while also making short work of any Bosses that try to stand in the way.

Simply put, speed is the name of the game here. We prioritize attack speed through various means, including the Accelerating Aspect, paragon nodes such as Carnage, and certain gear (like the amazing Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty).

For skills, we focus on abilities that enable us to keep our damage, mobility and Fury levels high. Leap and Charge are great in this regard, since Enhanced Double Swing will always return Fury when hitting a Stunned target. Wrath of the Berserker gives us a massive damage boost and resource regeneration, and of course, a nice movement speed boost to go along with it. Rallying Cry is yet another source of Fury recoup and our main source of Unstoppable, ensuring that any control-impairing effects do not slow us down. Oh, and did I mention even more movement speed?

And with that said, let's not let this introduction slow us down any longer as we slash our way through this Double Swing endgame guide.

This build guide assumesyou have a Level 50 Character and finished the Campaign. Level up with ourDouble Swing Barbarian Leveling Guide. If you are looking for a different Barbarian playstyle, check out all of our Barbarian Guides.



The PitGreat



Season 4 - Loot Reborn

In Season 4, the Season Theme revolves around helping out the Iron Wolves. Compared to past themes, this one does not offer any borrowed power as the entire game has been redesigned with new itemization and crafting options, increasing player power substantially across the board. Instead, you can gather reputation similar to the Vampire Bounty Board from Season 2 to unlock rewards that supercharge your leveling journey to 100 with extra items, crafting materials and eventually even a Resplendent Spark to craft an uber unique.

We recommend to follow the seasonal questline until you unlock the reputation system, check which rewards suit you most and then follow your regular leveling path. To learn more, check out our full Season 4 guide for more information.

Skill Tree & Gameplay

The Double Swing Barbarian is a dual-wielding machine that has great single target damage, as well as respectable area of effect damage thanks to the Dust Devils it spawns from various Aspects. To avoid becoming overwhelmed, we specialize in Stuns for an extra defensive layer, as well as support in providing us sustainable damage.

  • Bash is required to advance the skill tree. Aside from that, there are benefits to using it in combat - primarily as a Fury generator when needed.
  • Double Swing is our main Core ability. It comes packed with some great utility by providing us a way to constantly refresh our Berserking status any time it is used. Against Stunned enemies, it even becomes spammable because of Enhanced Double Swing. Probably most importantly, it's one of our main ways of spawning Dust Devils.
  • Rallying Cry - Movement Speed boost, source of Unstoppable, Fortify, and insane amounts of Fury generation. We have this buff up essentially always, thanks to Yen's Blessing.
  • Charge does quite a few things for us. It's a travel tool, a means of inflicting Stun, and a source of Unstoppable and Berserking. It's best to use this when approaching groups of spread out enemies to pack them tightly against walls or terrain in order to take them out cleanly and efficiently.
  • Leap is another mobility skill with its own set of advantages. In this setup, it has a very low cooldown and is typically our main way of getting around quickly. Since Power Leap makes it a Fury generator, it will also frequently spawn Dust Devils whenever it lands on enemies.
  • Wrath of the Berserker - A great skill to fall back on when more damage is needed, such as against Bosses.
  • The gameplay loop goes something like this:
  • Charge or Leap into battle, depending on the situation, to grant Berserking. Generally, always initiate with Leap if possible to spawn Earthquakes under the target area. If the terrain allows for it, Charge can be aimed at a wall or other environmental obstacle to first inflict Stun, and then followed up with Leap.
  • Shred enemies with Double Swing to fill most of your screen with Dust Devils that annihilate everything in their wake. Each cast of this skill also extends the Berserking status, even if it does not hit a target. Keep this in mind if it is ever about to fall off.
  • Use Rallying Cry whenever it's off cooldown. While it is on cooldown, it will be cast automatically right after it falls off because of Yen's Blessing. If it ever falls off while moving between packs and there are no targets, using Evade can also activate it.
  • Wrath of the Berserker is always in your pocket for more damage when it's needed - always try to make sure it's back up in time for Boss fights.
  • If Fury is ever an issue, use Bash or Leap to quickly refill it.

Arsenal System

The Arsenal System allows you to use a specific weapon for every attack skill, with each weapon granting different bonuses. You also have what is called the Technique Slot. With this, you can use any weapon of your choosing to always reap the benefit from, regardless of which weapon is equipped.

For this purpose of this guide, the One-Handed Sword Expertise and One-Handed Mace Expertise are our main weapon choices since we are dual-wielding. The first offers us a way to help offset our Fury consumption, and to better utilize Ramaladni's Magnum Opus when it is acquired in the endgame. Our second choice has great utility when used against Stunned enemies, offering us a generic damage multiplier as well as another source of Berserking.

In the Technique Slot, the Two-Handed Axe increases your damage to Vulnerable enemies. Unfortunately, its secondary effect does not apply here - the limitation of the Technique Slot is that it does not allow you to benefit from the second bonus that is normally gained from reaching rank 10 with any weapon expertise.

Learn more details and how to unlock this class specification in our full Arsenal System Guide.

Resource & Cooldown Management

In order to play this build effectively, some attention is required in overcoming our Fury-spending issue, which can be a drawback because of our high attack speed - especially early on. Here's what we do to help it:

  • Using Tactical Rallying Cry. This is one of our main sources of Fury regeneration and we make sure this is active during any major fight.
  • Leap and Bash can both be used as Fury generators.
  • Taking Prolific Fury multiplies our Fury Generation.
  • Tempered Resource Generation on our Rings. While damage stats are always more appealing, they mean nothing if we can't cast our skill. Before access to Tempered affixes, Fury on Kill or Fury Cost Reduction are also very solid stats on Rings.
  • Vocalized Empowerment grants us a base 10 Fury per second while we have a Shout active, which can be essentially always.
  • Enhanced Double Swing itself give us back Fury when we hit a Stunned enemy. Our main source of Stun is the Concussion passive, and to a lesser degree, Charge and Bash.
  • The One-Handed Sword Expertise inherently gives us a chance to gain Fury on hit.
  • On the Warbringer paragon board, we take nodes that grant us Fury on Kill.

Reductions to our Cooldowns are also important, but to a lesser extent. That said, without ways to mitigate their downtime, the build can definitely feel weaker, slower, and more clunky. We solve this by doing the following:

  • For items, Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty (or any placeholder Helm) is the only gear piece that has a dedicated Cooldown Reduction roll. It's also available in the Amulet slot, if desired.
  • Power Charge is taken to increase its uptime. Putting points in the base skill is also an option to reduce its cooldown duration.
  • Giant Strides as well as a maxed out Leap enables it to be used very often.
  • In general, being smart with our cooldowns and not using them where they aren't needed drastically improves our gameplay flow. This means not using Charge when no enemies are around, saving Wrath of the Berserker for tougher fights, etc.

Paragon Board

Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 when they reach level 15!

Level the Paragon Board by scrolling. Each step optimizes progression.


We need to level up our Glyphs to increase their power and activate their Additional Bonus with surrounding nodes. Glyphs have a radius of 3 by default, this increases to 4 at Glyph level 15. Complete Nightmare Dungeons to obtain Glyph experience.

Note that there are some Glyph position swaps and a few adjustments to surrounding Paragon nodes once they reach level 15. See the last two steps in the Paragon progression above for details. The setup displayed by default is the final version of the build.

Placeholder Glyphs

These Glyphs are only used while leveling because some of our endgame Glyphs can't be activated until they reach level 15. They are useful in the meantime, but don't level these Glyphs up because they will be replaced later. Both of these technically have some use later and can be considered a player preference, but for the purpose of this guide they are excluded from our main setup.

  • Seething

Glyph Leveling Priorities

Level 15

  1. Twister
  2. Exploit
  3. Ire
  4. Ambidextrous
  5. Undaunted
  6. Territorial

Level 21

  1. Twister
  2. Ire
  3. Ambidextrous
  4. Territorial
  5. Undaunted
  6. Exploit

Also check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.

Endgame Progression & Variants

When you start diving into the Endgame, you don't have all the tools available to achieve the final build versions. Let us guide you through different progression points to give you a smooth transition from our Leveling Guides to the final build version.

Progression Goals

Some of your Skill Tree choices depend on what Legendary Aspects and Unique items are available to you. These are listed in priority order:

  1. Unlock the following Aspects from Dungeons:
    • Vocalized Empowerment in Sirocco Caverns
    • Voracious Rage in Hallowed Ossuary
    • Disobedience in Halls of the Damned
    • Berserk Ripping in Mournfield
    • Anemia in Kor Dragan Barracks
    • Numbing Wrath in Heathen's Keep
    • Shared Misery in Oblivion
    • Inner Calm in Raethwind Wilds
    • Brawler's in Haunted Refuge
    • Bul-Kathos in Light's Refuge
      • Used in Early Endgame setup.
    • Wind Striker in Shivta Ruins
      • Used in Early Endgame setup.
  2. Find the following Legendary Aspects either as a random drop or by gambling with Obols:
    • Fierce Winds: Gamble One-Handed Weapons
      • Season Journey Reward (Season 4).
    • Windlasher: Gamble One-Handed Weapons
      • Season Journey Reward (Season 4).
    • Devilish: Gamble One-Handed Weapons
      • Season Journey Reward (Season 4).
    • Accelerating: Gamble One-Handed Weapons
      • Replaces Retribution.
    • Concussive Strikes: Gamble Boots
      • Replaces Numbing Wrath.
    • Undying: Gamble Boots
      • Replaces Disobedience.
    • Earthquake: Gamble One-Handed Weapons
      • Replaces Berserk Ripping.
    • Giant Strides: Gamble Rings
      • Replaces Voracious Rage.
  3. Acquire the following Unique items either as a random drop or by farming specific Boss drops.
    Note: You cannot gamble Unique items with obols!
    • Ramaladni's Magnum Opus
      • Replaces Inner Calm.
    • Tibault's Will:
      • Replaces Bul-Kathos.
    • Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty:
      • Replaces Concussive Strikes.
    • Yen's Blessing:
      • Replaces Wind Striker.
  4. If you're lucky enough to obtain the following Uber Uniques, they're useful for the build.
    • Harlequin Crest:
      • Replaces Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty. It's important to note that the + Ranks to all Skills doesn't affect Dust Devils, which is where most of our damage comes from.
    • Ring of Starless Skies:
      • Replaces Vocalized Empowerment / Earthquake.

Learn more details and how to farm Legendary Aspects and Uniques in our General Farming Guide.

Progression Setups

Follow the build's gearing progression from level 50 to 100, including the changes that need to be made as you obtain Legendary Aspects and Uniques.

← Scroll for More Variants →


Early Endgame

Final Endgame

3 Shouts + Rupture

Once you have completed the leveling guide, only the Codex of Power Aspects are guaranteed. With this setup you can farm the Legendary Aspects and Unique items you need for the next progression point.

Upon finishing the leveling process and approaching the endgame grind, many of the Aspects you use are already available to us from the Codex of Power. There is no reason you shouldn't put them to immediate use, since they can be imprinted as often as needed as you upgrade your gear. Start by doing the following:


Note: In Season 4, prioritize completing the early chapters of the Season Journey to get a free set of Dust Devil-themed Aspects.

Helm, Chest, Pants:

  • Numbing Wrath
  • Disobedience
  • Shared Misery

Gloves, One-Handed Weapons

  • Berserk Ripping
  • Inner Calm
  • Brawler's

Two-Handed Weapons

  • Fierce Winds
  • Windlasher


  • Anemia


  • Devilish


  • Voracious Rage
  • Vocalized Empowerment

This gives us a functional build to begin farming with. Some Fury issues might be present early on until we find the required gear to solve them. Generally though, Double Swing doesn't suffer much from this due to its lower Fury cost and ability to self-sustain, so it should be smooth sailin'.


  • Bash is used early on as a secondary damage source and to help with any Fury issues that might be present when our gear is still improving. It also provides some extra Stuns and Fortify generation.
  • Charge is our main way of activating Berserking and causing Stuns. It also serves as a great secondary damage source when combined with the Brawler's Aspect, which can clear dense enemy packs by itself.
  • Call of the Ancients is the preferred Ultimate Skill early on, but Double Swing typically doesn't struggle with single target damage. It may need to only be used if gear is extremely lacking.

Alternate Options:

  • Lunging Strike can be used over Bash if it feels more comfortable.
  • Wrath of the Berserker or Challenging Shout can replace Call of the Ancients whenever it starts underperforming.

In this setup, you have access to all Legendary Aspects, allowing you to pilot a much stronger version of this build. Additional Legendary Aspects are used to fill slots that may be replaced with Unique items later on.


Seekout the following aspects that aren't available in the Codex of Power:

  • Concussive Strikes replaces Numbing Wrath on our Helmet. This should be done once Fortify generation is taken care of by another source (such as the Warbringer paragon node).
  • Undying replaces Disobedience. This should be done once we are approaching or above the Armor cap for the current level of content.
  • Bul-Kathos replaces Shared Misery.
  • Earthquake replaces Berserk Ripping. Although we don't use Ground Stomp, we still benefit from this when causing Earthquakes with Leap.
  • Wind Striker replaces Anemia.
  • Accelerating replaces Brawler's.
  • Giant Strides replaces Voracious Rage to help keep Leap constantly off cooldown.

Paragon Related Gear Changes:

  • Damage while Berserking should start being prioritized once the Blood Rage paragon node has been activated. Until then, generic additives such as Damage to Close Enemies are better.
  • Fury on Kill rolls can start being replaced on gear once nodes on the Warbringer board are picked up, or whenever it feels comfortable to drop them.


  • Leap should be taken once Giant Strides is acquired, since this will enable it to be off cooldown nearly permanently. This becomes our main way of quickly traversing terrain, generating Fury, and activating Berserking.
  • Challenging Shout offers us some more defense once we start getting into harder content, and is an additional way to activate Fierce Winds.

Alternate Options:

  • Wrath of the Berserker or Charge can still be played at this point if defense isn't an issue.
  • Bash has more combat utility, but Lunging Strike can be played for more mobility.

In this setup, you have access to all Unique items and Legendary Aspects. This allows you to pilot this build at its peak efficiency. Let's take a look at the changes you need to make to implement them.


  • Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty is incredible for this build, since not a single stat on it is wasted. It replaces Concussive Strikes.
  • We use Yen's Blessing to have near permanent uptime on Rallying Cry. Since it is the only non-Mobility/Ultimate Skill on our bar, it will automatically activate every 8 seconds as long as we are attacking. Since Rallying Cry has a duration of 7.4 seconds, it has a very short amount of downtime with this combination.
  • Tibault's Will gives us a great damage multiplier while Unstoppable, which as mentioned, is nearly always. The Fury generation from this item will also always activate since we lose Unstoppable for a very brief moment before Rallying Cry refreshes.
  • Ramaladni's Magnum Opus is our best weapon for increasing the damage done by Double Swing. It gives us a massive boost in power when we prioritize Maximum Fury on our gear and paragon.

We also swap some Aspects:

  • Vocalized Empowerment is swapped out for Earthquake once we have a good Fury per Second roll on our Chest Armor.
  • Bul-Kathos goes on the Amulet, and Devilish goes on the Gloves.


  • We purposely take one Shout (Rallying Cry) so that Yen's Blessing always chooses it when the Unique power activates. This also becomes our source of permanent Fortify. Technically, this slot can be War Cry (damage) or Challenging Shout (damage reduction) as well - feel free to swap either of them in depending on the content that is being done.
  • At a certain point, Bash becomes pretty irrelevant, since Leap becomes a core part of our rotation and does all the Fury generating for us. In the Yen's Blessing setup, we don't really want to take another Shout or skill that has a cooldown, so there isn't much to pick from. At the very least, it's a good back up for when Leap misses its target and doesn't reset its cooldown. Lunging Strike is also a fine choice for this purpose.
  • Wrath of the Berserker should be saved for tougher fights, such as those against Bosses.

Paragon Related Optional Changes:

  • Both Rumble and Wrath can be played at the cost of some damage reduction. These are both great options for speedfarming.
    • Wrath replaces Territorial.
    • Rumble replaces Undaunted (take Strength nodes instead of Willpower)

This variant uses the classic "triple shouts" setup and offers a more relaxed style of gameplay at the cost of some mobility. Just press all your shouts when they are off cooldown and swing away!


  • Exploiter's is used here along with + Ranks to Leap and Tempered Leap Cooldown Reduction. This Aspect gives us additional Challenging Shout duration, Stun duration, and a damage multiplier against enemies that we force Unstoppable status on.
  • Bold Chieftain's replaces Vocalized Empowerment. To make up for the Fury loss, Fury per Second can be rolled on the Chest Armor.


  • Charge and Wrath of the Berserker are dropped in this version to pick up War Cry and Challenging Shout.
  • It's possible to play this setup without Bash or another Basic Skill due to Leap being a Fury generator with 100% uptime. Rupture is a great skill to slot in its place, since it grants us a massive Attack Speed bonus and a guaranteed Overpower to reliably activate both parts of Decimator. Alternatively, either Charge or Wrath of the Berserker can continue to be used.

Hardcore Adjustments

Hardcore requires you to build into more defenses. Here are some tips to successful in this game mode:

  • Take Challenging Shout instead of Rallying Cry. Adjust gear to make up for the loss of Fury generation or use Bash to help keep Fury levels high. Replace one Tempered Concussion roll with Crowd Control Duration to enable permanent uptime on Challenging Shout. Additionally, ranks of this skill can be taken on the Chest Armor instead of Strength.
  • Prioritize more defensive rolls on gear, such as Maximum Life on Rings or Amulet.
  • Tibault's Will can always be replaced with a Defensive Aspect, such as Might or Protecting.

Build Scaling & Stat Priorities

Learn about the important build scaling mechanics and stat weights.



Fury and Cooldown Reduction:

  • Our Fury and Cooldown management is instrumental to our success when playing Double Swing .
  • Due to its fast attack rate, Double Swing has a high rate of Fury consumption. In order to be able to use this skill continuously, we need to put effort into maintaining its regeneration. One main source of this is the Vocalized Empowerment Aspect in combination with our Shouts. To have our Shouts (and Fury generation) up as much as possible, we invest into Cooldown Reduction which is further bolstered by the Bold Chieftain's Aspect and Marshal.
  • Cooldown Reduction is available on Helms and Amulets.
  • Resource Generation is available on Rings and Amulets.
  • Fury Cost Reduction is available on Two-Handed Weapons and Amulets.
  • Enhanced Double Swing inherently returns Fury when hitting Stunned enemies.

Weapon Damage:

  • Our Double Swing only scales off the weapons that we are currently using. This means that in all other weapon slots, the only requirement is an item level of 780 or more (to maximize ranges on the stats that can roll.) Weapon damage does not matter on these.

Damage while Berserking:

  • One of the biggest generic sources of increased damage for us. Berserking acts as a 1.25x multiplier while it is active, and this damage scales even higher with the help of the Blood Rage paragon node. Because of this, we want to prioritize Berserking status at all times and take enough sources of Damage while Berserking to reach its cap.
  • Furious Double Swing grants us additional Berserking time when we hit, making it extremely easy to keep up.
  • Wrath of the Berserker and War Cry are both great ways to instantly activate Berserking.
  • Both Leap and Charge grant Berserking when combined with the Battle Fervor passive.
  • The One-Handed Mace Expertise grants us a chance to activate Berserking through Lucky Hits.

Critical Strike Damage:

  • This is a good generic additive damage source to prioritize when possible, as it usually has higher rolls than other additives. With good endgame gear, our Critical Strike change is very high, so we tend to get slightly better mileage out of this compared to other options. It's important to note that Critical Strike Damage rolls (and any other additive damage roll) on all of our weapons apply to us even if we are not using them with out main skill.
  • Whenever a Critical Strike is dealt, the resulting damage is multiplied by 1.5x
  • To help our odds of dealing Critical Strikes, we take Critical Strike Chance as a priority roll on Gloves, Rings, and Amulet.

Vulnerable Damage:

  • This status acts as a 1.2x multiplier to our damage. We don't actively try to scale Vulnerable damage beyond this, since it acts as just another additive damage source.
  • Exploit allows us to inflict Vulnerable whenever we initiate combat, and can be a main source of application. However, once its duration ends, we have to wait quite a while for its effect to activate again.
  • Taking a Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable roll on one Ring is usually an efficient way to keep this debuff active once Exploit expires.

Damage from Stuns:

  • Concussion allows us to inflict Stuns via Lucky Hit procs. Since we prioritize getting this passive to level 10 via Tempered affixes, every Lucky Hit is a guaranteed Stun.
  • The One-Handed Mace Expertise increases our damage against Stunned enemies.
  • Wallop multiplies damage if enemies are Stunned or Vulnerable.

Accelerating Aspect

  • Grants us Attack Speed when we inflict a Critical Strike. In general, Attack Speed greatly benefits this build and should be a priority when gearing.

Damage Reduction:

  • The follow pieces of gear offer us damage reduction:
    • Tibault's Will (Damage Reduction from Close Enemies)
    • Yen's Blessing (Damage Reduction from Close Enemies)
  • Aggressive Resistance is a source of damage reduction while we are Berserking.
  • Pit Fighter offers us a small amount of Distant Damage Reduction.
  • There is a stacking damage reduction with our Shout(s) thanks to Guttural Yell.
  • Territorial, Undaunted, and Ire Glyphs all offer us various forms of damage reduction.
  • Challenging Shout is an optional way to acquire a ton of damage reduction. We can further increase its effectiveness by rolling + Ranks of this skill on our Chest Armor.


  • While we are Fortified, we gain a baseline 15% damage reduction.
  • Numbing Wrath is used to constantly generate Fortify when we overcap on Fury.
  • The Warbringer paragon node gives us Fortify when we spend Fury.


Another form of damage mitigation. Armor is important as it is not conditional and always in effect. It reduces all incoming Physical damage by a percentage, so a high armor value is extremely ideal.

  • A minimum total value of 9230 is required to reach the Armor cap against level 200 enemies.
  • Our Strength stat inherently grants us Armor, with a 1:1 ratio.
  • Aspect of Disobedience increases our total Armor by a percentage.
  • Royal Skulls can besocketed in Amulet and Rings for additional Armor, but they contend with gems that grant Resistances.
  • Armor rolls are available on non-Unique Helmets, Chest Armors, Gloves, Pants, and Boots.


  • Enhanced Rallying Cry is our main source of prolonged Unstoppable.
  • Charge grants us this effect during its attack animation.
  • Wrath of the Berserker provides us Unstoppable for 5 seconds on use.

Unstoppable is our means of ignoring or escaping the many types of enemy Crowd Control effects.

Our Damage Explained article explains how to scale your Offense.
Learn all you need to know to scale Defense with our Defense Explained Article.

Stat Priorities

There are many stats and status effects that generate on gear, but many are not important for your build. See below for a general breakdown as well as a per slot priority list in the list.

  • Helm: Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty
    1. + Ranks to Aggressive Resistance
    2. Maximum Fury
    3. Damage while Berserking
    4. % Attack Speed
    5. % Chance to Become More Enraged (60)
  • Otherwise Look For: Concussive Strikes
    1. Strength
    2. Maximum Resource
    3. Maximum Life
  • ⚒️Imposing Presence
  • ⚒️Concussion (as needed) / Crowd Control Duration
  • Chest Armor: Undying
    1. Fury per Second
    2. Armor
    3. Resistance (as needed)
  • ⚒️Imposing Presence
  • ⚒️Concussion
  • Gloves: Devilish
    1. + Ranks to Double Swing
    2. Critical Strike Chance
    3. Attack Speed
  • ⚒️Concussion
  • ⚒️Damage to Close Enemies
  • Pants: Tibault's Will
    1. Increased Damage while Unstoppable (20%)
    2. Maximum Resource
    3. Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
    4. % Damage
    5. Potion Capacity
  • Otherwise Look For: Bul-Kathos
    1. Strength
    2. Maximum Life
    3. Resistance / Armor (as needed)
  • ⚒️Imposing Presence
  • ⚒️Concussion (as needed) / Crowd Control Duration
  • Boots: Yen's Blessing
    1. Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
    2. Movement Speed
    3. Chance to Cast a Skill on Cooldown (60%)
    4. Vulnerable Damage
  • Otherwise Look For: Wind Striker
    1. Movement Speed
    2. + Ranks to Leap / Charge
    3. Maximum Life / Resistance (as needed)
  • ⚒️Leap / Charge Cooldown Reduction
  • ⚒️Concussion / Resistance (as needed)
  • Amulet: Bul-Kathos
    1. Critical Strike Chance
    2. + Ranks to Pit Fighter
    3. Movement Speed
  • ⚒️Imposing Presence
  • ⚒️Concussion
  • Ring 1: Giant Strides
    1. Critical Strike Chance
    2. Resistance (as needed)
    3. Attack Speed
  • ⚒️Resource Generation with Dual-Wielded Weapons
  • ⚒️Damage to Close Enemies
  • Ring 2: Earthquake / Vocalized Empowerment
    1. Critical Strike Chance
    2. Attack Speed / Resistance (as needed)
    3. Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable
  • ⚒️Resource Generation with Dual-Wielded Weapons
  • ⚒️Damage to Close Enemies
  • Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapon: Fierce Winds
    1. Strength
    2. Maximum Life
    3. Critical Strike Damage / Resource Cost Reduction
  • ⚒️Chance for Dust Devil Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • ⚒️Damage while Berserking is Active
  • Dual-Wield Weapon 1: Ramaladni's Magnum Opus
    1. High Damage Per Second
    2. Increased Damage per Point of Fury (0.4)
    3. Maximum Fury
    4. Damage to Close Enemies
    5. Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
  • Otherwise Look For: Inner Calm
    1. High Damage Per Second
    2. Strength
    3. Critical Strike Damage
    4. Maximum Life
  • ⚒️Dust Devil Damage
  • ⚒️Damage while Berserking is Active
  • Dual-Wield Weapon 2 (Mace): Accelerating
    1. High Damage Per Second
    2. Strength
    3. Critical Strike Damage
    4. Maximum Life
  • ⚒️Dust Devil Size
  • ⚒️Damage to Close Enemies
  • Two-Handed Slashing Weapon (Sword): Windlasher
    1. Strength
    2. Maximum Life
    3. Critical Strike Damage / Resource Cost Reduction
  • ⚒️Dust Devil Damage
  • ⚒️Damage to Close Enemies

This build benefits the most from the following consumables:

  • Elixirs: Elixir of Cruelty, Iron Skin Elixir, Elixir of Fortitude, Heady Assault Elixir & Heady Precision Elixir
  • Incenses: Song of the Mountain, Reddamine Buzz & Chorus of War

FAQ & Mechanics

Once a guide is released, many players have questions on why and how we are approaching certain choices. In this section you can find the answers to the questions that have been asked the most.


Learn about the mechanical details which makes the build tick.


  • The Double Swing Barbarian is a fast and powerful build that can sustain permanent Berserking status and decimate all content Diablo 4 has to offer.
  • It dual wields Swords and Maces to destroy everything in its path, using Charge and Leap while under the effects of Rallying Cry to quickly move between packs of enemies.
  • High ranks of Concussion give it the ability to lock down, stagger, and eliminate weak and strong foes alike.
  • With the ability to invoke the Wrath of the Berserker, even the toughest of enemies will be shredded to pieces!


Written by snail
Reviewed by snail

Double Swing Twisters Barbarian Endgame Guide - D4 (2024)
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